Smart Backfill™

Indeavor’s Smart Backfill™ module lets front-line management automatically fill vacancies quickly and accurately.

Male Fireman Smiling in Front of a Firetruck
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Trusted by the world's most mission-critical enterprises

Stress-Free Solutions to Shift Scheduling Problems

Are you scrambling to find qualified replacements in the event of an unexpected absence? Put away your Rolodex and stop wasting time frantically dialing by automating the call or text process to qualified employees in minutes.
Male Engineer Wearing a Hardhat Doing Work in the Factory
Laptop Showing Indeavor's Scheduling Software

Improved Work-Life Balance

Are you failing to keep track of hours worked and other pertinent employee information when filling a vacancy? Auto-log each action for traceability and auditing, creating a centralized system of record that can show call out rules were met and what actions employees took.

Overtime Equalization

Are you operating under the assumption that your backfilling process simply can’t be automated? With Smart Backfill™, finding qualified shift replacements with a process that keeps employees content is no longer a daunting task.
Vacation Planning With Indeavor's Software

Schedule a Demo of our Backfill Scheduling Solution

Meet with our team of workforce optimization experts.

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See us in action.

We’ll customize a demo for your facility’s unique needs.

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