Indeavor industries

Workforce Management Software for Government Agencies

We understand the unique shift scheduling and workforce management complexities in the public sector.

Two ETM'S Getting Ready to Assist People
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Trusted by the world's most mission-critical enterprises

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Average overtime dollars overrun annually

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Average yearly organization cost due to poor data quality

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of the scheduling process can be automated, resulting in the elimination of data entry errors

Automatically generate a schedule that accounts for it all.

Indeavor can provide a streamlined scheduling solution, optimizing workforce allocation to meet the agency’s demands.

  • Save time while ensuring resources are utilized effectively, contributing to enhanced productivity
  • Eliminate time-consuming manual and paper processes
  • Reduce errors and improve operational efficiency through automation
Indeavor Schedule
Constraint Inputs and Compliance

Ensure regulatory compliance and streamline operations.

Indeavor’s consistent compliance ensures these rules are always followed during your production, demand, and employee scheduling process.

  • Automate compliance with union rules and regulations
  • Reduce the risk or eliminate grievances
  • Enhance communication between management and labor unions
  • Navigate complex Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) with ease

Efficiently address workforce gaps and control OT costs.

Indeavor’s unparalleled problem-solving capabilities bring a new level of precision to government workforce management, ensuring optimal efficiency, compliance, and seamless operations.

  • Modernize the overtime awarding process to ensure compliance
  • Catalog the intricicies of how OT is awarded
  • Streamline how OT is scheduled
  • Decrease manual errors and OT costs
Problem Solving OT
Approval Tool

Simplify shift approval while ensuring efficiency.

Indeavor’s Approval Tool is able to facilitate seamless shift approval and efficiently support the end-to-end workflow while eliminating human error.

  • Streamline shift approval and push through time/ attendance efficiently
  • Integrate with back-end systems to approve time for payout
  • Efficiently support the process from start to finish

Provide visibility to ensure operational efficiency.

Indeavor’s labor analytics allow you to gain visibility into your current workforce operations’ performance vs. business metrics in real-time.

  • Provide transparency into labor management decisions
  • Utilize real-time insights and analytics
  • Foster a culture of accountability and data-driven workforce management
  • Operational insights, including over and under-shift staffing
Labor Distribution Report

Learn More About Our Scheduling Software for the Public Sector

Book a demo and our team of workforce management and labor optimization experts and we will customize an experience for your team.

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See us in action.

We’ll customize a demo for your facility’s unique needs.

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