Indeavor industries

Workforce Management Software for the
Nuclear Energy Industry

Manage fatigue at the point of scheduling to promote worker safety and eliminate costly violation fees. Get a demonstration of our automated shift scheduling solution for the energy industry and discover how we can transform your workforce optimization efforts.

Nuclear Plant With Smoke Pillars
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Trusted by the world's most mission-critical enterprises

$ 0

Average cost per Fatigue Management violation

0 %

Estimated inspections per year per facility by NRC specialists

0 x more

Amount that fatigued workers cost plants than non-fatigued employees

Labor Management Challenges in the Nuclear Energy and Utilities Industry

An aging workforce coupled with highly technical roles that are tough to fill means that the industry needs to find creative ways to attract new talent. This is easier said than done, as the nuclear sector is working against a negative public perception of outdated technology and dangerous conditions.

The mandated fatigue management rules outlined by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) add even further complexity. It is difficult to balance a skills shortage with maximum work hour limits and minimum break rules since the work needs to get done; a single violation can cost up to $303,471.

With Indeavor you will get access to a robust shift schedule automation and fatigue management solution.

Nuclear Energy

Fatigue Management Pain Points

Maximum hour work rules, minimum break rules, online minimum day off rules during an evaluation period, 54 hour average per week rules during an evaluation period, outage rules…

These are complicated to calculate and adhere to. Manual management requires a significant amount of time and is prone to many errors.

If a rule is violated, fines are approximately $300,000 per day, increasing the stakes.

The Indeavor Solution

We allow our customers to adhere to NRC fatigue rules in their workforce management solution and ensure none of their employee schedules ever violate these rules, ever.

You’ll create a schedule in minutes that is accurate, consistent, eliminates user error, and follows operational rules.

Allow for manual schedule creation and modification as needed. Schedulers receive alerts when they violate a rule and are given a chance to either back out/adjust to remain compliant or complete a waiver form as needed.

Fatigue Management Pain Points

Keeping track of paper forms or scanned files in a file directory is cumbersome and disassociated from the system that is used to actually create the fatigue violations that require waiver forms.

Visibility into pending violations is a challenge if you don’t have a scheduling software to help you locate these infractions.

The Indeavor Solution

Easily facilitate the delivery of annual reports to the NRC with automated fatigue reports on waiver counts and violations.

Quickly produce reports that not only return the correct data but also match the authorized formatting.

Have full visibility into pending violations and completely digitize your waiver form documentation, centralizing your recordkeeping.

Integrate with already existing processes for filling out waiver forms and completing fatigue assessments with flexible workflows.

Fatigue Management Pain Points

Building and managing schedules in Excel or with pen and paper is time-consuming and error-prone.

Communicating schedules and schedule changes is difficult when relying on multiple tools that aren’t originally designed for this purpose.

It’s hard to control labor costs (lack of enforcement and visibility) when not utilizing a demand-based scheduling tool.

The Indeavor Solution

Leverage demand planning capabilities and automated straight time and overtime schedule generation alongside fatigue management.

Keep pertinent scheduling info transparent and easy to find with cloud-based scheduling software.

Ensure straight time and overtime shifts are staffed to match only what you need with our workforce management software for energy and utilities.

Assign only qualified workers to each position and fill sudden scheduling gaps based on skills certification and availability.

Make better in-the-moment decisions via a customizable interface that shows your organization’s most critical information.

"Xcel Energy is thrilled to work with the specialists at Indeavor for our Worker Fatigue Management solution. Their expertise and dedication has helped create optimized employee schedules and has enabled Xcel’s compliance with nuclear fatigue management regulations under 10 CFR Part 26. It has become a one-stop shop by streamlining internal workflows and combining different processes and applications, resulting in a lot of time saved across multiple work groups."

Benefits of Automated Employee Scheduling in the Nuclear Energy Industry

Manufacturer Signing a Paper to Help Drive Costs Down

Mitigate concern and exposure to accidents, injuries, negligence lawsuits, and fines.

Man Running a Manufacturing Machine to Move and Lift Product

Save time manually calculating and keeping track of complex fatigue rules, reducing the risk of errors.

A Man Welding

Streamline and automate the annual reporting requirements with the NRC.

Manufacturers Walking up a Set of Stairs

Promote worker and plant safety with sophisticated scheduling aligned with industry regulations.

Employees Walking in the Factory

Eliminate excess labor costs that arise from violation fines and over or understaffing

Compliance Concerns

Optimize Your Workforce

Learn More About Our Scheduling Software for the Nuclear Industry

Book a demo and our team of workforce management and labor optimization experts and we will customize an experience for your team.

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We’ll customize a demo for your facility’s unique needs.

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