Connecticut is on Track for Major Labor Reform

Boats in a Lake in Connecticut

There are several proposed bills currently sitting in Connecticut’s House and Senate that, if enacted, would significantly impact employers. With a Democratic majority, it seems likely that these employee reform bills will pass. Here’s how CT employers can proactively start planning for potential changes to their bottom line. On-Call Scheduling Penalties? Leverage Analytics. Senate Bill […]

The Amazon Jungle: How 3PLs Can Improve Scheduling to Stay Competitive

Amazon Prime Truck Driving On A Highway

Amazon is yet again setting a new delivery standard. Just when competitors have gotten accustomed to meeting the two-day challenge, Amazon used their first-quarter earnings call last month to unveil their latest disruption: free Prime shipping will transition from two days to one day over the next year. For the third-party logistics providers (3PLs) that […]

Oregon’s Wage Increases Create Labor Management Opportunities

Beautiful Photo of Portland, Oregon

Between the equal pay law that was instated this past January and a minimum wage increase that will be going into effect July 1, Oregon is making greater strides in supporting its workers in 2019. Of course, many large Oregon employers are worried about how the wage increases are going to affect their bottom line. […]

Beyond Scheduling: 3 Other Benefits of Workforce Management

Technicians Smiling While On The Job

With the skills gap costing US companies $800,000 annually and technology continuously creating the need for roles that never before existed, HR is prioritizing employee retention and acquisition to keep up. Need an edge? Having the most robust workforce management process possible can be your major differentiator; not just for HR and Operations, but for […]

New York State of Mindfulness for Compliance

New York State of Mindfulness for Compliance

Your workforce is your most valuable asset. Adhering to laws that are put in place to benefit your employees will only benefit your organization in turn. It’s easy to assume, however, that keeping compliant equates to spending money—whether it’s on the cost to remain compliant or the hefty fines you get for choosing not to […]

Adhere to Employee Compliance Guidelines in the Oil and Gas Industry

Employee Taking A Break On The Job Site

Worker fatigue is often due to strenuous working conditions, long work hours, or an irregular work schedule. Due to being susceptible to all three, fatigue affects the majority (54%) of shift employees in the oil and gas industry. Drivers alone are 8.5 times more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than those who […]

Fill Scheduling Gaps Without the Stress

Industrial Worker Operating Machinery

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost U.S. employers $225.8 billion annually, or $1,685 per employee. For your hourly workforce, unscheduled absenteeism costs roughly $3,600 per year, per worker. Complex scheduling environments that require labor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week run on the hope that […]

The Benefits of Fully Integrating Your Temp Workers

Temporary Engineer Operating Machinery

For many complex scheduling environments that depend on their employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week, organizations are investing in contingent workers to fill in gaps when needed. Manufacturing accounted for 38% of the US temporary staffing market in 2016, representing the largest chunk of industries utilizing temp workers and contractors. A Contingent […]

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