Indeavor Enabling the Evolution of Operational Excellence Systems 

Operational Excellence

Table of Contents: Evolution From TPM to WCM Lean Six-Sigma Integrated Operational Systems Developing Your Own System Indeavor Enabling Change In the ever-evolving landscape of Manufacturing and Energy markets, staying ahead of the curve is not just an aspiration but a necessity. Industry 4.0 fast-paced transformation involves the integration of digital technologies, real-time data analytics, […]

Schedule Forecasting Using Historical Data

01 Schedule Forecasting Using Historical Data

Modern systems allow businesses to make nearly every decision based on data. Scheduling is no exception. By using historical information to create schedules, companies can mitigate common challenges, such as labor demands and product shortages. Schedule forecasting can analyze countless data points from your company’s historical performance and analyze them to create a plan that’s as efficient and […]

Maximizing ROI: The Connection Between Labor Allocation and Robotic Performance


In today’s rapidly evolving world of automation and robotics, the quest for efficiency and productivity has never been more critical. The deployment of robotic systems in industries ranging from manufacturing to logistics has reshaped the way we work, introducing a new paradigm of labor collaboration between humans and machines. One key factor that can significantly […]

The Role of Skills Matrices and Why Indeavor’s Solution Stands Out 

Skills Matrices

Workforce management is at the heart of every successful organization. Managing the skills, competencies, and development of your workforce is crucial for achieving operational excellence and staying competitive. Explore the role of skills matrices in workforce management and introduce Indeavor’s innovative approach to this critical aspect of business operations.  What is a Skill Matrix?  Skills […]

What to Look for in a Workforce Management System

01 What To Look For In A Workforce Management System

Workforce management is the practice of optimizing workflows and resources. Managers strategically hire workers, schedule office hours, assign workloads, and make other vital decisions to maximize operational efficiency. After identifying key objectives, employers align their management approaches to meet these needs most closely. A workforce management system (WMS) is a software solution that assists with […]

What is Smart Manufacturing? 


Introduction  Smart Manufacturing has revolutionized the industrial landscape, reshaping how products are made, and ushering in a new era of efficiency, quality, and sustainability. This article delves into the concept of Smart Manufacturing, its core components, evolution, and the benefits it brings to the industry.   “Smart manufacturing is the notion of orchestrating physical and digital […]

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